Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ocean pollution causes food security crisis in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Nassau, The Bahamas –  Ocean pollution is threatening to deplete the commercial fisheries stock in the coral reefs of The Bahamas and other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) around the world.   

The Living Oceans Foundation chose The Bahamas to launch their research project that examines the coral reef systems of 25 island countries worldwide.   
“We are extremely pleased and we feel privileged that the Living Oceans Foundation has selected The Bahamas as the country to start this five-year incredible exploration to determine the state of the world’s coral reefs,” said Eric Carey, executive director of the Bahamas National Trust.   
“The Bahamas National Trust is working with other agencies like the Nature Conservancy, Friends of the Environment, the Andros Conservancy are really pleased to be partnering with the Foundation and organisations like the Ministry of the Environment, the department of Marine Resources to make this happen.”   More >>>