Sunday, November 13, 2011

Climate Vulnerable Forum

The Climate Vulnerable Forum is a global partnership of leaders of countries most vulnerable to climate change actively seeking a firm and urgent resolution to the growing climate crisis. The Climate Vulnerable Forum was founded by President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives and first met in November 2009. The Declaration of the Climate Vulnerable Forum adopted then expressed alarm at the rate of changes and danger witnessed around the planet due to the effects of human-induced global warming and called for urgent most international cooperation to tackle the challenge.

Climate Vulnerability Forum Declaration

“Alarmed at the pace of change to our Earth caused by human-induced climate change, including accelerating melting and loss of ice from Antarctica, Greenland, the Himalayas, Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, acidification of the world’s oceans due to rising CO2 concentrations, increasingly intense tropical cyclones, more damaging and intense drought and floods, including Glacial Lakes Outburst Floods, in many regions and higher levels of sea-level rise than estimated just a few years ago, risks changing the face of the planet and threatening coastal cities, low lying areas, mountainous regions and vulnerable countries the world over…
“Climate change poses an existential threat to our nations, our cultures and to our way of life.”

Declaration of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (Male’, November 2009)

The Climate Vulnerable Forum convenes governments from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific, committed to demonstrating leadership aimed at tackling what for some nations is becoming an existential challenge. At the Forum meeting on 19 September 2010 in New York, attendees endorsed DARA’s Climate Vulnerability Monitor. More